MASA Architectural Canopies is a recommended and leading contractor for hanger rod canopies throughout the USA. Hanger rod canopies are suspended canopies and have a wide range of applications. They can be used as window canopies, door canopies and over entrance ways and storefronts. Hanger rod or louver canopies can fit seamlessly into a variety of architectural settings. You can use them in retail settings as well as factory and industrial settings such as loading docks.

MASA hanger rod canopies have some useful features and benefits. These include advanced engineering, economical use, custom fascia options, high load capabilities, retail and branding possibilities, custom colors and finishers, aesthetics, overhead support (with or without posts), internal drainage, lighting options and more.
MASA hanger rod canopies are engineered and built to last. They also offer a wide range of innovative and attractive design options. They combine the important structural elements and can fabricate a wide variety of fascia designs. MASA hanger rod canopies have integrated drainage and gutter systems and several choices for downspouts and scuppers. Their mounting plates are precision engineered and even have custom options.
Whether you have a retail store, a shopping center, a school, a clinic, a factory, an office block, a coffee shop, a resort or a loading dock, you can benefit from hanger rod canopies. MASA carries a special range of aluminum hanger rod canopies known as Extrudeck. These lightweight canopies are versatile, and their bold lines offer several aesthetic possibilities. These hanger rod canopies have custom profiles and decking designs that can fit into and compliment your existing architecture. They are precision engineered and comply with current IBC building codes as well other relevant codes.
MASA Architectural Canopies can help you with advanced sunshade solutions including hanger rod canopies.