Commercial canopies are everywhere, but we don’t often realize it or really look at them. These are important features of buildings that help in several ways, both for a business as well as the customers of that business. At MASA Architectural Canopies we have been working with businesses all over the country for more than 20 years and providing them with custom canopies that help their building and business stand out from the rest. From our custom design work to the color choices and more, it doesn’t have to be a chore to get custom canopies for your building. Contact us today to learn more.
What Will Your Custom Canopy Look Like
This is a common question that we hear from many people. The answer is that it will depend on many factors, but our design team will work with you to get things just right so that you know when you have the right form and function. We typically start with one of our main design plans and customize things from there.
An example of a starting point is the Ecoshade canopy. This design is both modern and effective by ensuring the intense sunlight is blocked out by a series of aluminum blades that can rotate for maximum effectiveness. These custom canopies also are installed with a thermal break to prevent any absorbed heat from the canopy being transferred into the building.
A popular option is our Extrudeck canopy that looks like a flat roof extending from the side of a building. While you can’t see it from the ground, there is a tremendous amount of engineering inside of these custom canopies that allow rainwater to be directed away while providing shade from the sun. These have been installed over the loading docks of warehouses to provide protection while loading and unloading trailers, as well as many other retail commercial spaces.
More Than Just a Custom Canopy
When you add a custom canopy from MASA Architectural Canopies you are adding a piece to your building that will provide multiple benefits for you as well as your customers. Your custom canopy can provide a pop of color against an otherwise stale building facade, helping your building to stand out more. These custom canopies also provide protection for your windows and doors from the intense sun, the beating rain, and the snow as well if you have that in your area. They help lower your energy costs for heating and cooling and even provide a space where guests can get out of the rain and snow before they enter your space. Contact us today to start working on your custom canopy.
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