Custom Commercial Awnings

They aren’t terribly complex structures, and they usually compliment a building where most of the activity happens. But custom commercial awnings are still in demand, even though they are a simple feature of a building. There are several important reasons for their continued use, and different businesses will use them differently. For some businesses and buildings that MASA Architectural Canopies works with, they only want an awning over the door or the windows, while for others they want a large commercial awning to provide space for seating or other activities. The fact is, with our experienced design team, we can help you make the right sized custom commercial awning that will fit your needs. Contact our team today to learn more about all of your options.

Making a Statement with Your Custom Commercial Awning

Custom Commercial AwningsFor restaurants and cafes in particular, when you add a custom commercial awning to your building, you are instantly telling people that there is outdoor seating that they can enjoy. Your custom commercial awning can easily help you to add seating without the intense activity around making an addition to the building. On top of that, many people like the added benefit of being able to enjoy the outdoor air and changing scenery that outdoor seating provides.

While having natural light is a great benefit, the UV rays that come along with the natural light are destructive of materials that spend time in it. Your commercial awning helps to keep these UV rays off of your seating, tables, and other items so that they last longer. You can also brand your business on your custom commercial awning, from the obvious with your business name on the awning, along with the shape and size of the awning as well.

Benefits of Aluminum for Custom Commercial Awnings

There are many different materials that your commercial awning can be made from. We choose to use aluminum for several reasons. The light weight of the material means that it is easier to work with and easier to install, yet aluminum has good strength as well, and there are no worries that it will bend over time. Aluminum also doesn’t rust like steel can, which reduces the strength of steel. Aluminum also stands up much better than fabric awnings do and require minimal maintenance.

When you need a custom commercial awning for your business, from a warehouse to a retail space or other building, we can provide you with expertise from around the country. Your custom commercial awning will be made just for your business, including the colors chosen, the shape, as well as other accessories that make it unique for you. Talk with us at MASA Architectural Canopies to learn more and get started on your custom commercial awning.

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